Renginiai kraunami

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18 spalio - 20 spalio

We are on the final stretch of preparations for GameOn, which is returning to Litexpo in Vilnius on October 18-20! Many things are in motion, all the programs are being filled and the announcements will start pouring shortly. It’s still possible to join the event as participants in many ways:

• Send a speaker to one of our conferences. GameOn hosts a gamedev conference dedicated to game developers and students, next to a #WeAllPlay conference focused on geekery, life stories, meeting celebrities and upcoming game previews. Use this form to submit your talk. 
• Join other indies in Indie Town – we provide space and hardware, as well as full access to our networking platform. Register here
• Exhibit at one of the expo halls. More details and form here
• Join the Cosplay Competition
• Become a volunteer

Speakers and volunteers forms will be active till September 10, all others – until the exhibition space is available, but latest till the end of September. 

And, of course, get the tickets, choosing which option is best suited: Pro, Fan, Family, Weekend or Daily. 

Please find all the information on 


18 spalio
20 spalio
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